'Safe' is an illusion

Posted by Amresh Verma on


Only those who risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go- T S Elliot

My friend Junaid is a stock market wizard.  We were talking about an interesting topic, 'Risk', one sunny afternoon. It's peculiar to notice that in most sections of the society, the bottom half of the pyramid, people are groomed right from their childhood to keep distance from Risk. While the wealthy have always groomed their kids to 'manage Risk'. 

If we study the journey of human civilizations, we will realise that there were always those men who had the drive and apetite for risk, who took the civilizations and communities on progressive paths and innovations. There was always a first man who stood on the front, made the first strike, took the first blow, attempted the 'first'. They were the men and women, who believed in possibilities rather than limitations. We may have perceptions about their mental states, but they were certainly not dumb and irrational to embrace risk and take uncharted paths. They were just efficient risk managers.. 

Junaid mentioned the same thing about stock markets. 'Most common people enter it like a Casino, it's not a Casino but it's a sophisticated game of managing risk', he adds. His company, Eagle Options House (He tweets at twitter.com/zzzune), solves a problem, they manage Risk on behalf of them, backed by data science and algorithms. Junaid quotes the example of a Matador vis-a-vis a Trader. When the Matador faces the bull in the confines of a ring, he is a risk manager. It's a matter of skill, dexterity, vision, foresight, maneuvering, agility and strategy. So a trader in the stock market is like the matador in the ring. The ring is the Stock market, and the bull is the direction of the market. The Matador is not relying on his luck, he's relying on his skill to manage and tame the risk. You need a strategy to manage Risk to attain a reward. He adds, 'trading is not a game of dice, it's not about speculation. If you treat it as speculation, you will lose.'

Life is about expanding your horizons, exploring new shores. As the saying goes, ships are safer in the harbors, but they are not meant to be for that. Human Beings have to embrace risk and manage Risk to progress. As a wise man said, the biggest risk in life is to not take any risk..

 Robby Zora Studio also works with Entrepreneurs, in designing their inhouse merch and brand identities. We have added a twin artprints  collection and a tee on the theme of 'Speculation' and 'Risk' in the store, besides Eagle Options' inhouse merch.. Click on the images to shop

Ending this with the famous quote by marquee investor, George Soros-

The hardest thing to judge is what risk level is 'safe'..

No risk, no story..

Playing Dice


The Matador


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