The Robby Zora Blog- Poetry, philosophy, visuals.... and more
'Safe' is an illusion
Posted by Amresh Verma on
 Only those who risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go- T S Elliot My friend Junaid is a stock market wizard. We were talking about an interesting topic, 'Risk', one sunny afternoon. It's peculiar to notice that in most sections of the society, the bottom half of the pyramid, people are groomed right from their childhood to keep distance from Risk. While the wealthy have always groomed their kids to 'manage Risk'. If we study the journey of human civilizations, we will realise that there were always those men who had the drive...
Leda and The Swan- a literary marvel
Posted by Amresh Verma on
Leda and the Swan is an iconic piece of literature. In Greek mythology, the story of Leda and the Swan revolves around the idea that the god Zeus, who takes the form of a Swan, seduces and impregnates Leda. According to mythology, she gave birth to Polydeuces and Helen, at the same time to Clytemnestra and Castor, who were the children of her husband, Tyndareus. In the W. B. Yeats version, Clytemnestra, who was the daughter of Tyndareus, is shown to have been traumatized by what the god has done to her mother. According to various versions of the story,...
Aim to be a rainbow
Posted by Amresh Verma on